Experience the Beauty of Home and Business! Imagine starting your own home based business today! Join the team and order your Member Entrepreneurs Home Biz Quick Start Kit to get started. Be in business for yourself, not by yourself.
Each kit includes your customized E-Biz page URL Set up authorization; Your unique login ID; 250 printed business cards with your unique Stylish Attitudes E-Biz page name; Personal dash board to manage your page activity; Listing in the business and professional resource directory; Affiliate program referral commissions and direct deposit with qualified sales through your personal page; 1 Month FREE monthly maintenance fee (39 dollars per month billing begins thereafter); Member discounts on WoW! Signature empowerment workshop events, marketing and advertising opportunities, travel discounts, business supplies and more.
Complete your order today and the welcome kit is on the way! A friendly member services concierge representative will also contact you to assist you with set up and all of the exciting details;